The SMS numbers tab within the details of a subscriber's account will include any/all registered mobile numbers and the status of each device.
- Validated: This device was verified by the end-user/subscriber during the registration process or by the administrator during upload/data entry.
- Active: This device is marked "Active" in the system. Devices can be made "Inactive" to disable delivery of alerts. If a subscriber replies to a text from Omnilert with the word STOP, their device will become "Inactive", changing this value to a "No".
A mobile device must be both Validated and Active to receive alerts from Omnilert. If a new device is manually added without its "Active" and "Validated" set as YES, that number will be sent a challenge text with content as shown below.
"<FROM_NAME> msg service. Reply VALIDATE to start service. Txt HELP for Help or 800-256-9264. Txt STOP to cancel. Other charges may apply."
Resend Validation Code
If you're simply looking to send a number a test text message to test connectivity, see Send Test Message in the Tools menu section.
However, in some cases, you may wish to challenge the validitity of a phone number. As part of troubleshooting for a subscriber, you can challenge their subscription by re-sending them a validation code using the Resend Validation Code button.
Once clicked, the number will be set to unvalidated and inactive. The system will send the subscriber a text with either a code number or a reply keyword (e.g. "reply VALIDATE").
The subscriber must then reply to the text sent to their number with the code/keyword (e.g. "VALIDATE")
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