Your validation code is a 4-digit number that Omnilert will send to you when you first add your phone number to your subscriber account for SMS alerts. You just open the text on your phone to view your validation code.
You must enter that 4-digit code online to complete the sign-up process for your mobile device.
The validation process serves 2 key functions:
- It ensures that your phone can actually get alerts. Not all texting plans allow subscriptions to message services like Omnilert. If you didn't get your validation code, check with your carrier.
- It ensures that your phone number is correct. We don't want to "spam" anyone with texts to the wrong number. By validation your phone, you verify that the phone number entered is correct.
If you do not receive a validation code text after registering your phone, please contact your mobile provider's support to ensure that your mobile service can accept shortcode texts from the number 79516.
Note: Shortcode texting is supported by all major US carriers. However, certain restrictions may apply. Please check with your carrier directly for any fees or restrictions on your text messaging plan.
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